protected areas

Aspects’ Change of Vegetation in Khvalynsky National Park and its Preservation Zone

In article features of aspects’ change of National park’s Khvalynsky (Saratov region) vegetable communities are revealed by V. V. Alyokhin’s method of sequential descriptions. Five vegetable associations: 1) Stipeta pennatae –Bromopsisosa riparia – Pluriherbosa, 2) Stipeta capillatae – Festucosa valessiaca – Herbosa; 3) Stipeta pennatae – Festucosa valessiaca – Herbosa on sand; 4) Acer platanoides + Tilia cordata – Convallaria majalis; 5) Acer platanoides + Tilia cordata – Aegopodium podagraria are observed. In total 17 types of plants on blossoming rhythms are revealed.