
Phase equilibria and salting out of butyric acid in the ternary system potassium nitrate + water + 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol

Visual polythermal method in the bynary system of water-2-(2-butoxyethoxy) ethanol in the range of –25÷0° C the ice melting line is determined and the phase equilibria in the ternary system potassium nitrate–water–2-(2-butoxyethoxy) ethanol are studied in the range of 10.0–90.0° C. The ice melting line in the water–2-(2-butoxyethoxy) ethanol binary system is a flat, smooth line. This form of the melting line shows a hidden separation in liquid mixtures.

Phase Equilibria and Salting Out of Butyric Acid in the Sodium Chloride – Water – Butyric Acid Ternary System

Phase equilibria in the water–butyric acid binary system in the range of −10÷0° C and in the sodium chloride–water–butyric acid ternary system in the range of 10.0÷60.0° C were studied using the visual polythermal method. The phase diagram of the water–butyric acid binary system at −9.5° C is characterized by eutectic equilibrium, the solid phases of which being ice and butyric acid crystals. The metastable delamination range was found on the ice crystallization field, bounded by a binodal curve with an upper critical solution temperature of −3.7° C.


Методом зонального электрофореза на целлюлозной поддержи-
вающей среде изучено поведение 20 α-аминокислот в диапазоне
рН 1,6–8,5. Показано, что избирательность разделения опреде-
ляется величиной и знаком заряда ионов аминокислот, а также
фактором Z/Mr. Оценены параметры эффективности электро-
форетического отделения основных (рН = 1,6) и кислых (рН =
= 4,6) аминокислот от бинарных и многокомпонентных смешан-
ных растворов других α-аминокислот.