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The Spreading of Pear Moth – Cydia pyrivora (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on the North-East of the European Part of Russia

Pear moth – Cydia pyrivora is a narrow oligophage, whose larvae feed on the pith and pulp of fruit pears. In the region the species is connected here with warm biotopes on the Volga’s slopes and inhabits garden plots and abandoned gardens with pear trees. The areal extent in the north-east of the European part of Russia is considered for the pear moth Cydia pyrivora over a 60-year period. Over the past decade there has been quite a rapid expansion of the species to the north on the floodplain of the Volga river up to the Centre of the Ulyanovsk Province.

The New Finds of Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) in the Volga Region Forest-steppe Zone

We present the data on six spider species of 6 families has collected in the forest-steppe zone of Samara-Volga region. This paper was compiled from field gathering conducted in the Samara region during 3 years, and starting from 2004.

К фауне пауков (Arachnida: Aranei). Новые и интересные находки из Ульяновской области

Для Ульяновской области приведен список 11 видов пауков, из которых 8 – новые для Поволжья, 2 вида – Alopecosa psammophila Buchar, 2001 и Zelotes potanini Schenkel, 1963 – впервые отмечены для европейской части России и 1 вид – Agelena orientalis C. L. Koch, 1837 – новый для фауны России.