type specimens

Type Specimens of Alchemilla L., Corispermum L., Koeleria Pers., Onosma L. Kept in the Sprygin Herbarium of Penza State University (PKM)

Sprygin Herbarium of Penza State University – the largest sci- entific Botanical collection with the international acronym of the PKM, founded in 1894 on the initiative of the largest naturalist Ivan Sprygin. In the collections of the Penza Herbarium contains about 170 000 herbarium sheets of vascular plants, mossy plants, algae, lichens and fungi, of which over 30 authentic samples. Since 2009, the Herbarium is the electronic cataloguing of the collection. Results of revision on the type of genus Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae), Corispermum L. (Chenopodiaceae), Koeleria Pers.

Type Specimens of Thymus L. (Lamiaceae) Kept in the Sprygin Herbarium of Penza State University (PKM)

Sprygin Herbarium of Penza State University – the largest scientific Botanical collection with the international acronym of the PKM, founded in 1894 on the initiative of the largest naturalist Ivan Sprygin. In the collections of the Penza Herbarium contains about 170 000 herbarium sheets of vascular plants, mossy plants, algae, lichens and fungi, of which over 30 authentic samples. Since 2009, the Herbarium is the electronic cataloguing of the collection. Results of revision on the type of genus Thymus L. (Lamiaceae) in the Sprygin Herbarium of Penza State University (PKM) are psesented.