водные среды

The influence of nature of active components and modifiers on electroanalytic properties of planar cefalexine-selective sensors

The 1st generation cefalexine-cephalosporine antibiotic is used in the treatment of various infectious diseases. Spectrophotometry, kinetic spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry are proposed to determination of cefalexine in medicine and biological environment. Planar screenprinted sensors allow analyzing the micro-volumes of samples, which is important for the analysis of biological objects without preliminary samplepreparation. Depending on the active material and modifiers, you can create planar sensors for the determination of different organic compounds.

Modified Potentiometric Sensors of Various Types for Ceftriaxone Determination

The planar unmodified and modified by polyaniline, nanoparticles and their binary mixtures potentiometric sensors of various types were manufactured on the basis of tetradecylammonium associates (TDA) with complex connections silver (I) – ceftriaxone (Ag (I) – Ceftr). In sensors of I type electroactive components (EAC) and modifiers were brought in carboniferous ink. The polyvinylchloride plasticized unmodified and modified membranes on the basis [Ag2 (Ceftr)2] 2- · 2TDA were used in the sensors of II type; C (EAC) = 1,2,3%.

The Research of the Behavior of Cefixime in Aquatic and Biological Media by Spectrophotometric Method

The research of behavior of cefixime in biological media was conducted by spectrophotometric method. It was shown that the maximum of light absorption of cefixime against the background of oral fluid is observed at λ = 292 nm and for blood serum at λ = 289 nm. The interval of linear dependence optical density – concentration of cefixime is 3–50 mkg/ml. The optimal conditions of precipitation of proteins in the studied biological media were revealed.

Express Method for Cefazolin Determination in Small Samples Sensors Planar Potentiometric

The unmodified and modified by polyaniline and nanoparticles planar potentiometric sensors on the basis of tetradecylammonium associates with a complex silver (I) – cefazolin are created. Optimum ratios of components in carbon-containing ink are established: 30–32% carbon powder, 16–18% polyvinylchloride, 48–50% dibutylphthalate and 1–3% of electrode active compound (EAC). Planar sensors of two types are examined: electrode active compounds, electrode active compound and modifiers were added into in carbon-сontaining ink.

Solid-state Potentiometric Sensors for the Determination of Cefuroxime Axetil in Aqueous Media and Oral Fluid

Cefuroxime axetil is a cephalosporin antibiotic of the second generation, it is used in the sequential therapy of patient with sinusitis, community-acquired pneumonia, and other infectious somatic pathologies. For the determination of cephalosporin antibiotics in different objects, spectroscopic, chromatographic, electrochemical methods, immunoassay, etc. are used, which demand for expen- sive devices and organic solvents. Potentiometric sensors let one expressively detect cefalosporin antibiotics in small samples without previous sample preparation.

Ионометричесое определение цефуроксима и цефуроксим аксетила в биологических и лекарственных средах

Разработаны потенциометрические сенсоры на основе ионных ассоциатов цефуроксима с катионами тетраалкиламмония. Сенсоры обеспечивают широкий диапазон определяемых содержаний антибиотиков 1·10−4 (8·10−5) – 1·10−2 М; предел обнаружения антибиотиков составляет n·10−5 (10−6) М, что позволяет использовать сенсоры для определения цефуроксима и цефуроксим аксетила в биологических средах (ротовой жидкости) для корректировки и оптимизации курса лечения, а также для определения основного вещества в лекарственных препаратах.