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Phytochemical composition in the vegetative organs of Hemerocallis hybrida hort. ex Bergmans (Hemerocallidaceae)

The article presents the results of the study of raw materials (sugar, starch) and biologically active substances (pectin substances, catechins, saponins, flavonols, ascorbic acid) in the leaves and rhizomes of Hemerocallis hybrida plants of the Speak to me variety during seasonal development during 2013–2015. The quantitative content of the main groups of substances in underground and aboveground organs during vegetation, flowering and fruiting was determined.

Biological Features of Gladiolus hybridus in Connection with the Adaptation of the Siberian Region

The adaptive possibilities of the varietal diversity of Gladiolus hybridus in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia are analyzed. Morphobiological features of shoot formation are shown. Long-term (1999–2019) results of seasonal development of plants in generative age state are presented. The specificity of the terms of flowering varies from different groups of the sum of positive temperatures. Flowering in Novosibirsk occurs in early varieties with the sum of positive temperatures >1462° C, medium >1558° C, late >1711° C.

Morphogenesis and Reproductive Ability Monocarpic Escape Hosta sieboldiana (Hook.) Engl. (Hostaceae) in the Conditions of the Novosibirsk Region

The results of studying the morphogenesis of monocarpic escape during the seasonal development of Hosta sieboldiana are presented. It is shown that organ-forming processes of generative organs occur in the spring-summer vegetation of the shoot. Generative shoot is formed at 75–76 of days to flowering. Established, that the cone of increase of the escape differentiates intrarenal II to VIII stages of organogenesis. The flowers are laid in the acropolis direction. Duration of flowering was 25–38 days, fruiting 29–30 days. Real seed productivity is 3–4 times lower than potential.

Taxonomic Composition of Ground Invertebrates and Their Ratio in Different Types of Deciduous Forests within Tobolsk District of Tyumen Region

The composition and spatial distribution of the surface & litterdwelling mesofauna in leaved forests the indigenous terrace of the Irtysh river are analyzed on the basis materials of accounting for invertebrates by soil traps. The surveys were carried out in 2005–2010 in three types of forests – aspen forest, lime forest and birch forest, located within Tobolsk district of the Tyumen region (southern taiga, Western Siberia). As a result, 281 species of invertebrates were identified in forests, about 50% of which were in the families Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Linyphiidae.