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Richter Y. A., Richter T. Y., Anikin V. V. Early start and short life of an entomologist (110th Anniversary of Andrey Andreevich Richter). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 114-124. DOI:

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Early start and short life of an entomologist (110th Anniversary of Andrey Andreevich Richter)

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At the end of 2019 an old collection of insects was found in the Zoological Museum of Saratov State University. It was collected in the vicinity of Saratov, in the Lower Volga region, as well as in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, by young Andrey A. Richter while he was studying at school and Saratov University (1926–1930). The collection (185 specimens) was not processed, with most insects left unidentified. Nevertheless, it has been well preserved. Its examination has already produced first results important for better understanding of A. A. Richter biography. Further species identification may reveal the entomofauna composition not yet affected by environmental changes at the time, hence facilitating ecological research in the area. Collector – Andrey Andreevich Richter (1911–1950), prominent entomologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences (1945), professor, head of the coleopterology laboratory at the Institute of Zoology, Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1938–1939 he was arrested and imprisoned on false allegations. His life and scientific career were cut short by terminal illness at the age of 39. His main studies were focused on elytral venation and its role in phylogenetics, and on the detailed jewel beetles taxonomy (Buprestidae). The article is based on the documents and correspondence from Russian state archives, as well as from Richter family archive.

  1. Richter Ya. A., Anikin V. V. History of the A. A. Richter insect collection in the Zoological Museum of Saratov State University. V. V. Anikin, ed. Entomological and parasitological investigations in the Volga region: coll. proc., 2020, iss. 17, pp. 152–159 (in Russian).
  2. Richter Ya. A., Richter T. Ya. Now work, fi rst of all, work is especially needed for Russia…” (A. A. Richter at Perm University in 1917–1923). Studies in the History of Biology, SPbF IIET RAN, 2020, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 9–34 (in Russian).
  3. Archive of RAS, archive of academician V. L. Komarov, fund 277, register 4, fi le 1246, pp. 57–58 (in Russian).
  4. Archive of RAS, archive of academician V. L. Komarov, fund 277, register 4, fi le 1246, pp. 64 (in Russian).
  5. Archive of RAS, archive of academician V. L. Komarov, fund 277, register 4, fi le 1246, pp. 66–66 reverse (in Russian).
  6. Archive of RAS, archive of academician V. L. Komarov, fund 277, register 4, fi le 1246, pp. 71–71 reverse (in Russian).
  7. Archive of RAS, S.-Peterburg branch, fund 55, register 4, fi le 283, pp. 30–31 (in Russian).
  8. Archive of RAS, S.-Peterburg branch, fund 55, register 4, fi le 283, pp. 40–40 reverse (in Russian).
  9. Richter A. A. Beetles’ elytral venation in relation to their phylogeny. Entomological Review, 1935, vol. 26, no. 1–4, pp. 25–58 (in Russian).
  10. Archive of RAS, archive of academician V. L. Komarov, fund 277, register 3, fi le 38 (in Russian).
  11. From the memoirs of O. L. Kryzhanovsky. Available at: (accessed 11 August 2020) (in Russian).
  12. Archive of RAS, S.-Peterburg branch, fund 55, register 4, fi le 283, p. 41 (in Russian).
  13. Archive of RAS, S.-Peterburg branch, fund 722, register 2, fi le 892, p. 1–1 reverse (in Russian).
  14. Stackelberg A. A. In memory of Andrey Andreevich Richter. Entomological Review, 1952, vol. 32, pp. 341–344 (in Russian).
  15. Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. Available at: (accessed 11 August 2020).
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