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Nikitina N. V., Lamikhova A. P., Nikitina N. V., Kazarinov I. А. Adsorption of organic reagents by natural bentonites modified with aluminum and iron (III) polyhydroxocations. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 23-30. DOI:

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Adsorption of organic reagents by natural bentonites modified with aluminum and iron (III) polyhydroxocations

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The effective nanostructured sorbents based on natural bentonite modified with aluminum and iron (III) polyhydroxocations were obtained. The elemental composition of the obtained sorbents was studied. The specific surface area was determined for the studied samples. It was shown that modified sorbents based on natural bentonite were nanostructured objects. IR spectroscopy showed that modification of natural bentonite led to the changes in its structural properties. While studying the sorption process on modified sorbents, it was found that the modification of bentonite with aluminum and iron (III) compounds using the “codeposition” method led to the increase in the sorption capacity of the obtained sorbents. The sorption properties of the obtained sorbents were tested in relation to a number of organic dyes of the anionic and cationic types. It was established that the maximum sorption efficiency was achieved for extracting cationic substances from water, including organic dyes.

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