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Cherkasov D. G., Il’in K. K. Data Approximation for Plotting the Binodal Curve on the Phase Diagrams of Some Ternary Salt – Water – Isopropyl (n-Propyl) Alcohol Systems. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 274-283. DOI:

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Data Approximation for Plotting the Binodal Curve on the Phase Diagrams of Some Ternary Salt – Water – Isopropyl (n-Propyl) Alcohol Systems


A brief review of computational methods for the liquid-liquid equilibrium has been carried out, and their capabilities and limitations have been shown. Complications of such computational models for the liquid–liquid–solid equilibrium lead to a decreased accuracy of calculations. In this case, it is advisable for researchers to make use of the approximation of experimental data on the liquid – liquid and liquid – liquid – solid equilibria. A literature review on the ternary salt – water – aliphatic alcohol systems is carried out, where solubility data and the compositions of equilibrium liquid phases were approximated. Based on the analysis of our own experimental data from a polythermal study of phase equilibria and critical phenomena in seven ternary systems sodium (potassium, cesium) nitrate – water – isopropyl alcohol, potassium chloride (bromide, iodide) – water – isopropyl alcohol, potassium nitrate – water – N-propyl alcohol, exponentialtype empirical equations are proposed, which made it possible to successfully approximate our data for plotting the binodal curve in a wide temperature range. The approximations found were established to be satisfied for the individual branches (the water and organic ones) of the binodal curve as well as for it as a whole. The dependences obtained can be useful for predicting changes in the solubility of two liquid phases with temperature and for facilitating the modeling of the binodal surface within the temperature – concentration prism of the ternary salt – binary solvent system.

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