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Шуршалова Н. Ф., Нечаева О. В., Вакараева М. М., Заярский Д. А., Тихомирова Е. И. Developing and Testing Laboratory Samples of Innovative Biologically Active Preparations Based on the Core-shell Structure. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 76-80. DOI:
Developing and Testing Laboratory Samples of Innovative Biologically Active Preparations Based on the Core-shell Structure
We developed various options of biologically active agents based on the core–shell structure technology. They were obtained by layering biocompatible polymer on the surface of the carriers. As a core, we used a heterocyclic compound comprising of enamine and flavonoid nanoaggregates. As a shell, we used polу azolidinе аmmonium modified by iodine hydrate-ions. Our results implied a significant increase in antimicrobial activity of the preparations developed by us. Using innovative preparation based on flavonoid nanoaggregates stabilized by a biopolymer, we observed faster wound regeneration in animals.
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