
Early start and short life of an entomologist (110th Anniversary of Andrey Andreevich Richter)

At the end of 2019 an old collection of insects was found in the Zoological Museum of Saratov State University. It was collected in the vicinity of Saratov, in the Lower Volga region, as well as in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, by young Andrey A. Richter while he was studying at school and Saratov University (1926–1930). The collection (185 specimens) was not processed, with most insects left unidentified. Nevertheless, it has been well preserved. Its examination has already produced first results important for better understanding of A. A. Richter biography.

Ecological Problems of the Saratov Region in Year Environment and the Year of Specially Protected of Natural Territories

The ecological problems of the Saratov region in the Year of Ecology and Protected Areas are discussed: the degradation and destruction of natural complexes, the reduction of species biological diversity and its causes, the need to expand the network of regional SPNA, reduce atmospheric pollution, hydrosphere and lithosphere (limiting emissions of harmful substances and reagents, non-waste technologies, introduction of alternative energy, modern technologies for waste processing and wastewater treatment), soil fertility conditions, growth new technogenic pollutants (electromagnetic, noise)

Management of the Resource Potential of Municipal Solid Waste of the Volgograd Region

Considered the economic and environmental aspects of the use of fuel-containing waste as alternative fuel (RDF) in the cement industry on the example of JSC «Serebryakovcement».