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Sazhnev A. S., Rodionova E. Y. The Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera), Collected by the Light Traps with Super Bright LEDs on the Territory of Krasnodar. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 188-195. DOI:
The Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera), Collected by the Light Traps with Super Bright LEDs on the Territory of Krasnodar
The collections were realized out in June – September 2018 using the original light trap within the city of Krasnodar. The article contains lists of 74 species (1252 specimens) of Coleopteran from 15 families: Carabidae – 13 species, Hydrophilidae – 12, Dytiscidae – 6, Elateridae – 6, Curculionidae – 4, Coccinellidae – 3, Heteroceridae – 2, Tenebrionidae – 2, Chrysomelidae – 2, Spercheidae, Scirtidae, Cantharidae, Bostrichidae, Anthicidae and Cerambycidae – in 1 species. Heterocerus obsoletus is dominant in the collections – 497 specimens (39.7%), Heterocerus fenestratus – 233 (18.6%), Berosus frontifoveatus – 148 (11.8%) and Berosus spinosus – 135 (10.8%). The highest level of consistency (with n = 31) in the samples of Heterocerus obsoletus is 61.3%, Berosus frontifoveatus – 58.1%, Berosus spinosus – 51.6%, Heterocerus fenestratus – 41.9% and Harmonia axyridis – 38.7 %. 6.8% of the species in collections are invasive Cercyon laminatus, Harmonia axyridis, Trichoferus campestris, Megabruchidius dorsalis and Lignyodes bischoffi. Two species – Cercyon laminatus and Lignyodes bischoffi are first given for the Krasnodar Krai. Maximum results in abundance were obtained at night temperatures of +16–22°C, humidity – 58–63% and wind speed – 4.8–5.9 m/s in late June – early July.
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