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Hachaturov E. G., Korobko V. V. The Features of Growth of the Primary Root System of Triticum durum Desf. Varieties of the Saratov Breeding. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 433-437. DOI:
The Features of Growth of the Primary Root System of Triticum durum Desf. Varieties of the Saratov Breeding
The objects of the study were plants of 14 varieties of durum wheat Triticum durum Desf. Cultivation was carried out in a climatic chamber at a temperature of 18 ± 1°C under the conditions of a sixteen-hour photoperiod. To study the growth characteristics of the root system of seedlings, the length of the main root and the length of the adventitious roots of the upper and lower tiers were measured; thus, the growth rate of the root system was determined. The cultivars, the seedlings of which are characterized by the longest root system, have been identified – Luch 25, Saratovskaya 59 and Saratovskaya zolotistaya. The varietal characteristics of the growth of the main embryonic root were revealed, the growth rate of which significantly varies among the objects of study. The length of the adventitious roots of the lower layer in plants of the studied varieties ranged from 208 mm (Elizavetinskaya) to 278 mm (Saratovskaya 57 and Annushka); the upper layer – from 105 mm (Nikolasha) to 216 mm (Luch 25). The root-to-shoot ratio was calculated. In 5-day-old seedlings of the studied varieties, this varies from 0,92 to 1,89 rel. units; the degree of variation of the trait is average. In 12-day-old seedlings, the root supply index decreases, amounting to 0,42–1,29 relative units; the degree of variation of the trait is significant (with the exception of variety Luch 25).
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