Triticum durum Desf.

The structure of productivity elements of durum wheat varieties of Saratov selection

The objects of the study were plants of 14 varieties of durum wheat Triticum durum Desf., permitted for use at different times in the period from 1975 to 2014. An analysis of the elements of ear productivity in durum wheat plants of Saratov varieties under the conditions of 2020 was carried out. The varietal features of the development of the spike of the main shoot were revealed according to a number of characteristics: the number of spikelets in a spike, the number of grains in an ear, the weight of a grain, the number of ungrained and grained spikelets.

The Features of Growth of the Primary Root System of Triticum durum Desf. Varieties of the Saratov Breeding

The objects of the study were plants of 14 varieties of durum wheat Triticum durum Desf. Cultivation was carried out in a climatic chamber at a temperature of 18 ± 1°C under the conditions of a sixteen-hour photoperiod. To study the growth characteristics of the root system of seedlings, the length of the main root and the length of the adventitious roots of the upper and lower tiers were measured; thus, the growth rate of the root system was determined.