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Kulapina E. G., Tyutlikova M. S. The Solid-state and Planar Sensors for the Determination of Cefotaxime in Aqueous and Biological Fluids. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 14-18. DOI:

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The Solid-state and Planar Sensors for the Determination of Cefotaxime in Aqueous and Biological Fluids


Cefotaxime is a cefalosporin antibiotic possessing a high efficiency at curing severe bacterial infections. For the determination of cephalosporin antibiotics in different objects, spectroscopic, chromatographic, electrochemical methods, immunoassay, etc. are used, which demand for expensive devices and organic solvents. Potentiometric sensors let one expressively detect cefalosporin antibiotics in small samples without previous sample preparation. The work was aimed at the creation of solid-state and planar potentiometric sensors for the determination of cefotaxime in aqueous and biological media. The tasks of investigation: determination of optimal composition of membranes and carbon-containing ink of the sensors; evaluation of their electroanalytical characteristics in aqueous and biological media. As the membranes active component, the compound of tetradecylammonium (TDA) with the silver (I) – cefotaxime complex were applied. The main electroanalytical and operational characteristics (linearity interval of electrode function, angular coefficient, response time, drift potencial detection limit and lifetime) of the sensors under study in cefotaxime aqueous solutions and mixed saliva have been determined. A comparative evaluation of the electroanalytical properties of solidstate and planar sensors has been carried out, and the possibility of their application for the determination of cefotaxime in aqueous and biological media, in microvolumes of samples has been shown, which is of importance at the investigation of antibiotics pharmacokinetics, determination of the maximal therapeutic dose, and correction of the therapy process.


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