Porshakov Alexandr M. RussiaSaratovRussian Research Anti-Plague Institute "Microbe", 46, Universitetskaya Str., Saratov, 410005, Russiapam_82@mail.ru Author's articles Gamaside Mites of the Small Mammals Habitant in the Krasnoarmeisky Locality of the Saratov Region Mosquitos (Diptera; Culicidae) of the Saratov Region Modern Cadastre of Species of Tularemia Microbe Carriers Habitant in Tularemia Foci of Different Types, Situated in the Territory of Russia Modern Cadastre of Vectors and Other Reservoirs of Tularemia Microbe Found in Tularemia Foci of Different Types, Situated in the Territory of Russia Arthropods – Inhabitants of Burrows of the Sand Martin Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Hirundinidae) on the Territory of the Saratov Province