Shilova Irina Vasilievna
RussiaSaratovUC "Botanical Garden" of Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky. Department of flora and vegetation., 410012, Saratov, Academician Navashina street, 1ведущий биологкандидат биологических наук,
Author's articles
- The Variability of Some Morphological Parameters Calophaca Wolgarica in the Populations of the Volgograd Region
- The State of the Cenopopulation Delphinium Pubiflorum (Dc.) Turcz. Ex Huth in Tatishevskiy District of the Saratov Region
- Morphological Variability in Populations of Chondrilla L. (Asteraceae) in European Russia
- Flowering Plant Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region
- The Structure of Morphological Variability and Vitaliti in the Populations of Tulipa Gesneriana L. in the Lower Volga Region and Adjacent Territories
- Ecological and Phytocenological Characteristics of Associations of Delphinium Pubiflorum
- Vitality Structure and Ontogenetic Strategy of DeLPHINIUM litwinowii (Ranunculaceae)
- Ecological features of plant communities containing Globularia bisnagarica L. in the Middle and Lower Volga Region
- Morphological variability and state of Delphinium pubiflorum (Ranunculaceae) populations in the Saratov region
- Dynamics of the demographic structure and variability of some morphological parameters of Calophaca wolgarica (Fabaceae) during reintroduction to the Saratov region
- Ecological and cenotic characteristics of Colchicum laetum (Colchicaceae) habitats in the Volgograd region