
The study of the physic-chemical properties of bentonite-based composite sorbents modified with carbon under the conditions of catalytic carbonization

The structural and sorption properties of composite sorbents based on natural bentonite modified with carbon compounds have been investigated. Modification of the initial bentonite by low-temperature (650°C) pyrolysis of sucrose in the presence of metal salts of the iron subgroup leads to a significant increase in the specific surface area of composite sorbents (up to 275 m2/g), this is due to low-temperature catalytic graphitization of the carbon fraction formed during pyrolysis.

Application of Mathematical Model of Adsorber for the Development and Optimization of Adsorption Modes

A mathematical model of the adsorber was developed using the Toth equation. Microporous mordenite was synthesized to confirm model validation. The structure and characteristics of the obtained sorbent were confirmed by SEM, N2 adsorbtion, XRD and XRF methods. Adsorption of the hydrogen-methane mixture on H-form of synthesized mordenite was carried out at the pressure of 2 MPa and the temperature range of 20–35 °С. Based on the mathematical model of the adsorber, the possibility of developing a process for separating a mixture of hydrogen and methane at high pressure was shown.

Modelling of Drying Process of Natural Gas at a Pressure of 20–25 MPa through Aluminogel and NaA 4A Zeolite

Containment of water vapor in natural gas prevents its transportation and applying as an internal combustion fuel. The most demanded drying technology is adsorption at high pressure. The construction of a mathematical model for predicting the process is a significant task. Through a mathematical model of the process of water adsorption from natural gas at pressures of 20–25 MPa and temperatures of 5–40°C in the presence of NaA 4A zeolite and aluminogel, commonly used dehumidifier, optimal drying conditions were selected.

Adsorption of Fe2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Cd2+ Cations Using Granular Glauconite Sorbents

The adsorption properties of granular glauconite sorbents and their modified analogues against with respect to Fe2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Cd2+ cations were studied and compared with natural untreated samples. The process was carried out in a static mode. The maximum adsorption of samples and the calculated adsorption equilibrium constants were determined. It was established that modified sorbents possessed the most activity adsorption against cations in pelleted samples. Modification was carried during sequential heat and acid-salt treatment.


Исследована адсорбция анионов мышьяка (III) и хрома (VI) сор-
бентами на основе оксигидроксида железа (III), полученных из
реагентов, отработанных травильных растворов, и шламов, об-
разующихся в процессе очистки гальваностоков. Определена
обменная емкость в статических и динамических условиях, про-
ведена очистка реальных сточных вод в пилотной установке с вы-
сотой слоя сорбента 2 м и скоростью подачи раствора 200 л/ч.
Предложена безотходная технология регенерации отработанного