antibiotic resistance

The Effect of Pollutants on the Emergence of Rifampicin Resistance in Bacteria of the Pseudomonas Genus

The anthropogenic pressure on ecosystems may contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance among bacteria in natural conditions. Due to this, the aim of this work was to study the impact of specific biocides, antibiotics, pesticides and heavy metals on the emergence of rifampicin resistant mutants of Pseudomonas putida. To assess the impact of toxic substances on the emergence of rifampicin-resistant mutants the studied substances and rifampicin in the final concentration of 100 μg/ml were added into nutrient medium before plating.

Prevalence of Nosocomial Strains Enterobacteriaceae Have Carbapenemases in Russia

In this article we have looked into the matter of antibiotic resistance among the group of nosocomial strains Enterobacteriaceae which has been determined by the production of carbapenemases. In 2014 there were revealed four types of enzymes and six types of enterobacterias. The main causative agent of nosocomial infections and the major host of the acquired carbapenemases gene is Klebsiella pneumonia. There were cases of carbapenemases’ production about extramural flora of hospitalized patients.