
Faunistic complex of mycetophilous beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the xylotrophic fungus Fomes fomentarius (Basidiomyceta) in the territory of the Saratov region

This article describes the characteristics of the beetle fauna – inhabitants of fruiting bodies and the mycelial layer of the true tinder fungus Fomes fomentarius L.: Fr. and are considers some important aspects of the ecology of mycetophilous beetles. Coleopteran population of fruiting bodies of the fungus in five districts of the Saratov region is 63%. Two species from the family Staphylinidae (Gyrophaena joyi Wendeler, 1924 and Scaphisoma boreale Lundblad, 1952) have been recorded on growing and / or spore bearing fruiting bodies.

The Preliminary Ecological-Faunistic Data about Fungivorous Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Saratov Province

Until this article in the Saratov Province special studies of fungivorous beetles fauna of Coleoptera was carried out. The collection material was conducted by the authors in the spring and summer of 2017 with fruiting bodies of different species of xylotrophic Basidiomycetes of the families Polyporaceae and Fomitopsidaceae on the territory of 4 districts of the Saratov Province (Voskresenskiy, Khvalynskiy, Saratovskiy, Engelskiy). As a result, on 4 species of xylotrophic fungi were found 13 species of Coleoptera from 6 families.