cerebral blood flow

Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Increases Cerebral Blood Flow, Tissue Oxygenation and Improves Neurological Functions in Intact Mice and in the Late Posttraumatic Period of Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major health problem that causes long term neurological deficit in the majority of patients and does not have any clinically proved effective treatment. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is an emerging electroceutical therapy suggested for TBI rehabilitation. However, optimal parameters of stimulation and mechanisms of action are not determined due to lack of preclinical studies, impeding its clinical implementation.

The Role of Beta-2-Adrenomediated Mechanisms of Injures of Venous Cerebral Blood Flow in Newborn Rats with Intracranial Hemorrhage

Development of stress-induced hemorrhagic cerebral infarction in neonatal rats is accompanied by pathological relaxation of cerebral veins that provokes the appearance of venous insufficiency and reduced outflow of blood from the brain. These critical changes in cerebral blood flowprecede intracranial hemorrhage and may be predictors of the risk of stroke in the first days after birth.

Role of Sulfonylurea Receptor in the Development of Stress-induced Hemorrhagic Cerebral Infarction in Newborn Rats

In this article, we develop a model of hemorrhagic infarct of brain in neonatal rats. The results of histological analysis showed that on the next day after exposure to stress sound (120 dB) for 2 hours, there are small focal subcortical hemorrhage, the brain edema, hypoxia and accumulation of blood area of in macro- and microcirculation. Speckle imaging of cerebral circulation revealed hyperperfusion of brain tissue with increase size of the cerebral veins in newborn rats with stress-induced intracranial hemorrhages.