
Determination of thymol with micellar extraction preconcentration

For the efficient preconcentration of azo compounds – products of the interaction of 4-nitrophenyldiazonium with thymol, a system 4-nitroaniline (4-NA) – NO2 - – Triton X-100 – NaOH – ethanol has been proposed. The optimal conditions for the formation of micellarsaturated phases of the system under study have been established: 3. 10-4 M 4-NA – 3. 10-4 M NO2 - – 5% Triton X-100 – 2.8 M NaOH – 10 vol. % С2Н5ОН. A spectrophotometric study of the above system has been carried out.

Express determination of cephalexin

Test means based on immobilized Fehling’s reagent for the determination of cephalexin have been obtained. Methods for visual and colorimetric assessment of antibiotic concentration using a smartphone camera have been developed. The optimal conditions for the indicator reaction have been selected with varying heating time and temperature. For a visual semi-quantitative assessment of the content of cephalexin, a color scale has been obtained.

Цветометрическое определение α-аминокислот в смешанных растворах после электрофоретического разделения

В настоящей работе исследована возможность разделения бинарных и многокомпонентных смесей – аминокислот методом зонального электрофореза на целлюлозной поддерживающей среде с последующей визуализацией выделенных зон и цветометрической обработкой полученных сигналов.