редкий вид

Vitality Structure and Ontogenetic Strategy of DeLPHINIUM litwinowii (Ranunculaceae)

The article presents the results of a study of the vitality structure of four Delphinium litwinowii Sambuk coenopopulations from the Penza, Tambov and Voronezh regions in the period from 2017 to 2018. The most northern coenopopulation from Penza region in 2017 showed the strongest vitality, while the weakest was the Voronezh’ coenopopula- tion, located to the south, near the village of Vladimirovka. Most of the coenopopulations over the observation period are rated as prosperous; coenopopulation from the vicinity of the village of Vladimirovka is de- fined as depressive.

The Influence of Ecological Factors on Variability of Morphometric Parameters of Rare Species Iris pumila L.

The study of intraspecific variability of rare plants allows to estimate the level of phenotypical variability, to establish borders of populations, to characterize microevolutionary processes, to reveal the ecological factors influencing formation of structure of populations that finally promotes preservation of a gene pool of rare species. Work purpose: studying of intraspecific variability of rare species Iris pumila L. in the south of the Cis-Urals of Bashkortostan Republic.


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