Malinkina Оlga N. RussiaSaratovSaratov State University , 83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russia младший научный со- трудник отдела высокомолекулярных соединений Author's articles ОЦЕНКА ХИМИЧЕСКОГО ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ ГИДРОХЛОРИДА ХИТОЗАНА С АСКОРБИНОВОЙ КИСЛОТОЙ МЕТОДАМИ ИК- И ЯМР-СПЕКТРОСКОПИИ Influence of the Modifying Additive Nature on the Rheological Properties of the Concentrated Chitosan–Organic Acid–Water System Properties, Soil Degradation and Fitotoxicity of Starch Composites with Polyvinyl Alcohol Physico-mechanical Properties of Silicon-chitosan-containing Glycerohydrogels Plates Based on Chitosan L- and D-ascorbates Influence of Ascorbic Acid Isoforms on the Hydrodynamic Behavior of Chitosan Ascorbate Macromolecules in Aqueous Solution