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Phase diagram of the β-alanine – water binary system

The phase diagram of the β-alanine–water binary system was studied using the visual polythermal method and the method of time–temperature curves in а temperature range of -20–90°С. There is a eutectic equilibrium at -18.3°С in the system; the solid phases of this equilibrium are ice and individual β-alanine. For the first time, the composition of the liquid phase of the eutectic state was determined.

Phase Equilibria and Component Solubility in the Binary System Water + Dipropylamine

Dipropylamine is one of the promising antisolvents for extractive salt crystallization, but its solubility in water and phase equilibria in its aqueous solutions over a wide temperature range has not been studied in detail until now. The review of the literature shows that the water-dipropylamine system is classified as a self-separating system with a lower critical solution temperature (LCST). We used the visual-polythermal method in a –25–90°C range to study phase equilibria in the binary system water-dipropylamine and to plot the phase diagram of the system.

Phase Equilibria and Critical Phenomena in the Water–i-Butyric Acid Binary System

Phase equilibria and critical phenomena in the water-i-butyric acid binary system were studied by the visual polythermal method over the temperature range –10–30°C. The system is characterized by delamination with an upper critical solution temperature (UCST) equal 25.8°C. In the system at –1.8°C, these occurs a nonvariant monotectic equilibrium whose solid phase are ice crystals. The phase diagram of the system is plotted.

Phase Diagram of the Potassium Thiocyanate – Water Binary System

The phase diagram of the potassium thiocyanate–water binary system was studied by the visual polythermal method and by the method of time–temperature curves over а temperature range – 35–180 оС. There is an eutectic equilibrium at –32.6 оС in the system; the solid phases of this equilibrium are ice and individual potassium thiocyanate. The composition of the liquid phase of the eutectic state was determined.

Фазовые равновесия и критические явления в двойной системе вода–н-бутиловый спирт

Визуально-политермическим методом в интервале – 10–125 oС изучены фазовые равновесия и критические явления в двойной системе вода–н-бутиловый спирт. Система характеризуется расслаиванием с верхней критической температурой растворения (ВКТР), равной 124.4 oС. При –2.4 oС в системе осуществляется нонвариантное монотектическое равновесие, твердой фазой которого являются кристаллы льда. Построена фазовая диаграмма системы.