
Features of selection of winter wheat on grain quality

The quality of grain means a set of technologico-biochemical, baking and food properties determining the economic value of a grain variety. When choosing source material for selection, the degree of grain preservation in adverse environmental conditions is taken into account as well as the genotypic potential of grain yield and quality.

Viscosity Properties of Chitosan Solutions in Glycolic Acid

Viscosity properties of chitosan solutions with molecular weights of 700 and 200 kDa in 1.5% glycolic acid were studied in a wide range of polymer concentration and ionic strength of the medium by means of capillary and rotational viscometry. The concentration dependences of the specific viscosity were plotted. The influence of the molecular mass of chitosan and the NaCl-controlled ionic strength of the medium on the hydrodynamic volume of macrochains and their polyelectrolyte properties was established. The size of a polyion with an almost completely compensated charge was estimated.

Study of Rheological Properties of Sodium Salt Solutions of Carboxymethyl Cellulose

Rheological characteristics of polymer solutions not only affect their processing, but can also influence on the structure and properties of products obtained from the solutions. This work is devoted to the study of rheological properties of sodium salt aqueous solutions of carboxymethyl cellulose in water. It is shown that the studied solutions are characterized by the presence of concentration area of unstructured semi-separated solutions without network formation.

Impact of the Predator on Quality Indicators Grain of Soft Wheat

The aim of this study was to identify the effect of precursor (vapor, winter wheat) on the non-traditional selective grain quality parameter intensity of spring common wheat. The parameters include dough development time, dough stability, energy absorbed by dough while kneading and starch retrogradation coefficient. The data have been obtained using a Mixolab device.


Исследованы реологические, электрохимические и поверхност-
ные свойства растворов хитозана в уксусной кислоте в зависи-
мости от молекулярной массы образца, концентрации полимера
и уксусной кислоты в растворе. Обнаружено изменение вязкости,
степени структурирования и характера кривых течения раство-
ров при выдерживании их во времени. На стабильность вязкост-
ных свойств существенное влияние оказывают концентрация и
молекулярная масса полимера, ионная сила раствора. Поверх-
ностное натяжение и электропроводность растворов во времени