Saratov Region

Morphologigal Characteristics of Seeds of Some Iris L. Species in Saratov Region

The research presents the results of morphological study of seeds belong to five species of Iris L.: I. aphylla L., I. halophila Pall., I. pseudacorus L. I. pumila L., I. sibirica L. which existed in Saratov region and cultivated in the botanical gardens of national research of Saratov state university, previously named «N. G. Chernyshevsky».

Glaukonit’s Influence on Viability and Development Seeds of Some Grain Crops

It is defined macro- and microelement composition of glaukonite ore of the Beloozersky field of the Saratov region. It is established that it contains a set macro- and the minerals necessary for a mineral delivery of plants. The possibility of application of the studied glaukonite as tools for processing of seeds of grain seeding before crops, on the example of seeds of wheat and rye is considered. Effectiveness of processing of seeds of Marusenka rye and spring-sown Favourite weak field is studied by aqueous extracts of a glaukonite of various concentration (0,01; 0,1 and 1%).

The Rare and Endangered Species of Mammals Recommended for Entering into the Third Edition of the Red Book of the Saratov Region

The list of species of the mammals recommended for entering into the third edition of the Red List of the Saratov region is provided. The necessity to correct and extend the protected taxon list in comparison with the second edition is substantiated.

Rare and Disappearing Birds in the Red Book of Saratov Region

A list of bird species recommended for inclusion in the third edition of the Red Book of the Saratov region. Three groups stand out among the rare and protected bird species are introduced for the first time – 10; excluded –14; with the change in status – 22.

Rare and Disappearing Species of Amphibians and Reptiles to Be Included into the Third Edition of Red Book of the Saratov Region

Rare and disappearing species reptiles to be included into the third edition of Red Book of the Saratov region has been compiled on the basis of modern field surveys, collection data, analysis of literature. It contains 7 herpetofauna representatives of region belonging to 3 orders and 5 families.

Rare and Disappearing Species Сephalaspidomorphi and Fish to Be Included Into the Third Edition of Red Book of the Saratov Region

Rare and disappearing species Cephalaspidomorphi and fich to be included into the third edition of Red Book of the Saratov region has been compiled on the basis of modern field surveys, collection data, analysis of literature. It contains 2 species cephalaspidomorphi and 16 species fich.

Flowering Plant Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region

A list of 277 flowering plant species to be included into the third edition of the Red Book of the Saratov region is proposed. The necessity to correct and extend the protected taxon list in comparison with the second edition is substantiated. Principles of taxon selection for the third edition are discussed.

Algae, Mossy, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperm Plant Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region

A list of algae, mossy, pteridophytes and gymnosperm plant species to be included into the third edition of the Red Book of the Saratov region is proposed (1 species of algae, 15 mossy species, 13 pteridophytes, 1 gymnosperms). The necessity to correct and extend the protected taxon list in comparison with the second edition is substantiated. Principles of taxon selection for the third edition are discussed.

Rare and Disappearing Fungus and Lichens Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region

The list of rare and disappearing fungus and lichens species to be included into the third edition of the Red Book of Saratov region has been compiled on the basis of modern field surveys, collection data, analysis of literature. It contains 19 representatives of mycoflora belonging to 11 families and 6 representatives of lichen flora belonging to 3 families. The necessity to extend and modify the list of protected taxa is substantiated compared with the previous edition.

Methodical Principles of the Procedure of Entering and Deleting Biological Species in the Third Edition of the Red Data Book of the Saratov Region

Basic principles underlying the methodology of the procedure of entering and deleting biological species in regional Red Data Books are shown. With Natrix tessellate as an example, an algorithm is demonstrated to exclude a species from the list of rare and endangered animals needing special protection measures. As a result of our longterm field studies of the N. tessellata populations, a positive trend in the abundance change in its population and in the spectrum of biotopical correspondence and geographical distribution within the Saratov region has been established.
