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Изучено влияние светодиодного синего (405 нм) излучения в
сочетании с оксидом железа III на бактерии Staphylococcus aureus
209 P. Показано, что синий (405 нм) свет в сочетании с
наночастицами Fe2O3 обладал угнетающим действием: сниже-
ние численности исследуемых микроорганизмов отмечено на
88% после 30 мин воздействия. Методами атомно-силовой и
электронной микроскопии установлено изменение морфологии
клеток стафилококка при комплексном влиянии синего (405 нм)
излучения и наночастиц Fe2O3
, которое выражалось в уменьше-


Исследование конденсированных фаз, содержащих стабиль-
ные радикалы, с помощью радиоспектроскопии представляет
собой метод парамагнитного зондирования. Этот метод (с
применением иминоксильных радикалов) позволил устано-
вить механизм взаимодействия антигенов с антителами при
изучении иммунных гамма-глобулинов, особенности структур-
ных переходов в биологических мембранах, изучить структуры
некоторых модельных систем. Показано, что производные не-
которых иминоксильных радикалов обладают низкой токсично-


Изучены видовой состав, количественные показатели и
встречаемость ассоциативных микроорганизмов трех видов
цикадовых (Cicadella viridis, Athysanus argentarius, Lepyronia
coleoptrata) в окрестностях озера Став (Саратовская область).
Из организмов цикадовых выделено 15 видов бактерий, ко-
личественные показатели которых варьировали от 102 до 105
КОЕ в пробе, индексы встречаемости – от 20 до 60%. Бакте-
рии рода Gluconobacter присутствовали как в растительном
соке, так и в пищеварительном тракте Lepyronia coleoptrata.


Оценена антимикробная активность нового полимерного со-
единения – полиазолидинаммония, модифицированного ги-
драт-ионами галогенов, в отношении клинических штаммов
Candida albicans, как устойчивых, так и чувствительных к флу-
коназолу и амфотерицину. B исследованиях использованы
4 варианта полимера с различным содержанием гидрат-ио-
нов йода. Установлено, что все образцы полимера проявили
противогрибковую активность в отношении опытных штаммов
микроскопических грибов.


Показано, что выращивание Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 и Sp7 в
присутствии эффективных концентраций рутина и кверцетина,
установленных для данных культур, приводило к изменениям
электрооптических характеристик суспензий бактериальных
клеток. Продемонстрировано изменение в этих условиях физи-
ко-химических и антигенных свойств поверхности бактериаль-
ных клеток и макромолекулярной организации ЛПС.


Установлены фенологические особенности непарного шелко-
пряда (Limantria dispar Linnaeus, 1758), златогузки (Euproctis
chrysorrhoea Linnaeus, 1758) и зеленой дубовой листовертки
(Tortrix viridana Linnaeus, 1758) в условиях Южного Предуралья.
Развитие куколок непарного шелкопряда в среднем происходит
за 28 дней с накоплением суммы среднесуточных положительных
температур 598°С. Лёт имаго филлофага происходит в период с
первой декады июля по вторую декаду августа. На фазу имаго
уходит от 33 дней при накоплении 699°С суммы среднесуточных

Assessment of Epizootiological Value of Fleas (Insecta, Siphonaptera) in the Phenomenon of Seasonal Plague Manifestations in the Steppe Natural Plague Foci of Souslik Type in the Northern, North-Western Pre-Caspian and Pre-Caucasus Regions

It has been determined that timescales of the beginning of summer intensive epizootics in the plain natural plague foci of souslik type in the Northern, North-Western Pre-Caspian and Pre-Caucasus Regions coincide with the period of adult small sousliks migration to the landscape lowering, building of protective burrows, and formation of flea micro-populations in them. Substantiated is existence of the mechanism that determines seasonal character of animals infecting during 30–40 days (III decade of May – II decade of June) at the same sites of focal territory.

Clonal Micropropagation of Paeonia tenuifolia L.

Paeonia tenuifolia is one of the most attractive and needy of pro- tection species among endangered plants of Saratov region. Modern methods of biotechnology, in some case plant clonal micropropaga- tion, are increase efficiency of secured plant species propagation ex situ. There is a review the progress made in peony micropropagation and it is present short applicatory observations. Comprehensive refer- ences about Paeonia species in the whole were analyzed. An effective record of P. tenuifolia clonal micropropagation was composed.

Biosorption of Cu (II) by an Exopolysaccharide Isolated from Enterobacter Cloacae K7

An extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) produced by the gram- negative nonpathogenic rhizosphere bacteria Enterobacter cloa- cae K7 was isolated and characterized. The process of biosorption of Cu(II) cations from aqueous solution by the isolated exopoly- saccharides was investigated. The maximum sorption capac- ity was 0.17 mM/mg of EPS or 12 g of Cu(II) per g of EPS at pH 5, T = 25 °C, and incubation for 30 min.

To the Question of Histopathological Disorders of the Kidney of the Caspian Seal (Phoca caspica Gmelin, 1788) in the System «Mother–Fetus»

In this work we present these histological examination of the kidneys of pregnant females Caspian seals and their fetuses. In the renal tissue of Mature females seals were marked signs of chronic glo- merulonephritis and amyloidosis.

Materials to the Study of the Lichen Flora of the National Park «Khvalynsky» (Saratov Region)

The article presents the results of lichens’ research of the National Park «Khvalynsky» in 2011–2013 and data processing of herbarium collection SARAT and other researchers. The annotated list is pre- sented. It includes 65 species. Among them one specie (Cladonia acuminata) is new for the Saratov Region, two species (Cladonia decorticata, Cl. botrytes) are new for the Privolzhskaya Upland. Four species (Cladonia acuminata, Cladonia decorticata, Parmelina quercina, Pseudevernia furfuracea) are offered for inclusion in the new edition of the Red Book of the Saratov Region.

Microbiological Indication of Soil above the Underground Storage of Natural Gas

Microbiological indication of soil over Stepnovskoye underground storage of natural gas was carried out on the basis of estimating the number of heterotrophic, hydrocarbon-oxidizing and methylotrophic bacteria. Increased number of microorganisms of test physiological groups were found, indicating the admission of methane in the upper layers of the soil. The possibility of using hydrocarbon-oxidizing and methylotrophic bacteria for environmental monitoring of soil in the areas of natural gas storage facilities was shown.

The Effect of Emotional and Severe Pathological Stresses on the Level of Arterial Pressure and the Production of Testosterone in Female and Male Rats

The serum level of testosterone is indicator of organismcapacity. Chronic stress is accompanied by development of more pronounced arterial hypertension in males compared with females that is associated with the decrease in production of testosterone in males but not in females.

The Results of the Inventory of the Lepidoptera Fauna (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of the Volga-Ural Region

Presents the distribution of 3489 species of Lepidoptera from 83 families on the basic administrative units of the region. To the base list of E. Eversmann added 2209 species, 35 species were removed from the list as incorrectly identified previously, reliably disappeared in the region or accidentally introduced. Among the newly discovered species 2 were new for Europe and 3 for Russia.

Heterogeneity of Bodies Wheat under the Maintenance of Pigments Photosynthesis

Data by definition of the maintenance of pigments of photosynthesis (a chlorophyll and carotenoid) in leaves and top междоузлии a stalk of summer soft wheat at the moment of flowering are cited. Distinction by quantity of pigments in different zones of a plate top leaf at investigated grades is established: a chlorophyll – 0,72–5,1; carotenoid – 0,37– 1,3 mg/g of fresh weight. Increase of the maintenance of pigments from bottom to the top zone of a vagina top leaf and междоузлия is revealed.

The Variability of Some Morphological Parameters Calophaca Wolgarica in the Populations of the Volgograd Region

It is shown that habitat conditions have a strong influence on the shape and vitality of the state of the individual Calophaca wolgarica. The most favorable conditions for the growth of Calophaca wolgarica in the Volgograd region are aligned sites with non-light-chestnut fairly rich soils in shrub-grass and couch-grass communities on the edges of the belts, on which there is no mowing and minimal grazing.

Evaluation of Reproduction Conditions of Commercial Fish in Iriklin Reservoir to the Juvenile Fish Productivity

Reproduction conditions of commercial fish in Iriklin Reservoir have been investigated. There is a significant difference in reproduction conditions of the certain species. There are quite favorable condi- tions for a perch. Reproduction conditions for a roach in certain stretches of the reservoir vary from quite favorable to favorable. Reproduction conditions of the rest of commercial fish species are quite unfavorable. 

Realization Systemically – Activity Approach at Biology Lessons within Fgos

System and activity approach – a teoretiko-methodological basis of introduction of FGOS. Article is devoted to questions of introduction of system and activity approach in process of training of biology at concrete rural school. In article results of progress of pupils of 5– 6 classes and quality of their training for two academic years are analyzed. Positive dynamics of quality of training is noted.

Role of Sulfonylurea Receptor in the Development of Stress-induced Hemorrhagic Cerebral Infarction in Newborn Rats

In this article, we develop a model of hemorrhagic infarct of brain in neonatal rats. The results of histological analysis showed that on the next day after exposure to stress sound (120 dB) for 2 hours, there are small focal subcortical hemorrhage, the brain edema, hypoxia and accumulation of blood area of in macro- and microcirculation. Speckle imaging of cerebral circulation revealed hyperperfusion of brain tissue with increase size of the cerebral veins in newborn rats with stress-induced intracranial hemorrhages.

Rare Spring Ephemeroids Flora of the Volga Upland

28 species of vascular plants of the Volga Upland – rare spring ephemeroids in need of protection and recommended for inclusion in the Red Data Book of the Volga basin.
