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Features of in vitro Cold Storage of Some of Rare and Endangered Plants of Saratov Region

The article presents the results of work on preservation of plant tissues and organs of rare and endangered species in conditions of slow growth. Special attention is paid to modeling objects, Silene cretacea and Potentilla volgarica – obligate calcifythes enlisted in the Red book of the Russian Federation. Slower growth of the explants was provided by reducing the cultivation temperature to +5±1 C and introducing into the nutrient medium of osmotic (sucrose 30, 60 or 90 g/l), retardant (chlorcholinechloride) and/or sorbent (activated carbon). It is established that the deposition of S.

Morphological Variability in Populations of Chondrilla L. (Asteraceae) in European Russia

The morphological variability in populations of Chondrilla was subject to the numerical analysis using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The study showed that out of the seven species of the genus found in European Russia, it is only C. ambigua that has the status of undoubted species. A distinct difference is observed between the two groups of populations: the first group comprising C. juncea, C. latifolia, C. brevirostris, and the mixed population of C. juncea/graminea; and the second group comprising the populations of C. graminea and C. acantholepis.

Type Specimens of Thymus L. (Lamiaceae) Kept in the Sprygin Herbarium of Penza State University (PKM)

Sprygin Herbarium of Penza State University – the largest scientific Botanical collection with the international acronym of the PKM, founded in 1894 on the initiative of the largest naturalist Ivan Sprygin. In the collections of the Penza Herbarium contains about 170 000 herbarium sheets of vascular plants, mossy plants, algae, lichens and fungi, of which over 30 authentic samples. Since 2009, the Herbarium is the electronic cataloguing of the collection. Results of revision on the type of genus Thymus L. (Lamiaceae) in the Sprygin Herbarium of Penza State University (PKM) are psesented.

Forming Strout Ability of English Rose Garden Party at the Introduction in the Botanical Garden Sgu

The article presents the results of the roses hybrid introduction. The results of the research on the formation and development of shoots of five sorts of roses that refer to garden group Austins selection in the conditions of the «Botanical Garden» Education and Research Ctnter are presented. The features of the relation of generative and vegetative shoots has been studied as decorative signs. We have studied the ability of the sorts to the resumption of bush size after winter period. The possibilities of using these sorts for landscape gardening in the Lower Volga region.

Complex Assessment of Toxicity of the Polymeric Connection Possessing Antimicrobic Activity

The complex estimation of toxicity of the polymer compounds – poly azolidin ammonium, modified hydrate ions of iodine, which has high antimicrobial activity was held. It is established that working concentrations of parent drug and its variants with different hydrate ions of iodine content do not cause death of biotestobjects of Daphnia magna Straus.

Optimization of Cultivation Conditions of Azotobacter Vinelandii D-08 to Increase the Yield of Exopolysaccharide

In current research the optimization of culture conditions Azotobacter vinelandii D-08 on nutrient mediums with different content of molasses – 20, 30, 40 and 50% (by weight) was conducted. It is established that the maximum accumulation of polysaccharides was 13,78 g/l and it was observed at growth of the strain on the medium containing 50% molasses for 72 hours. The results of the method of gel permeation chromatography showed that the obtained polysaccharide has a molecular weight of 0.93532 kDa and 312.5014 kDa.

Macrozoobenthos of Hyperhaline Waterbodies of Bogdino-Baskunchakski Nature Reserve

Macrozoobenthos assay carried out in hyperhaline waterbodies (Gor’kaya river and Lake Baskunchak littoral) of Bogdino-Baskunchakski nature reserve yielded 14 taxa: bugs – 3 (from family Corixidae: Cymatia rogenhoferi (Fieber, 1864), Paracorixa concinna (Fieber, 1848) and Sigara assimilis (Fieber, 1848)), chironomids – 2 (Baeotendipes noctivaga Kieffer, 1911, Orthocladius sp.), other dipterans – 4 (Limoniidae, Dolichopodidae, Ephydridae and Tabanidae (род Chrysops) larvae), beetles – 5 (Dytiscidae: Cybister (s.

New Floristic Finds in the Saratov Region

Provides information about finding new species of flora of the Saratov region Hibiscus triynum and Thesium moesiacum, and clarifies the distribution of rare in the Saratov region Sonchus palustris and Conringia orientalis.

In Vivo and in Vitro Studies of the Effect of Chitosan on the Bone Defect Repair Process

The objective of our in vivo and in vitro studies was to examine the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects of chitosan barriers when used for guided tissue regeneration (GTR) in a rabbit model. An ELISA test of the rabbit blood serum conducted during the treatment of alveolar bone defects has confirmed the ability of chitosan to reduce inflammation fast by suppressing the TNF- cytokine production.

Type Specimens of Campanula L., Chamaecytisus Link, Polygala L., Thymus L., Kept in the Herbarium of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (NNSU)

The article describes basic stages of creation and development the Herbarium of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (NNSU), since the 20-s of the last century, shows the main areas of floristic researches. Designated the current status of the Herbarium. Given a list of the main species of plants described from the territory of the region. The necessity of the search and identification of authentic samples is shown. Results of revision on the type in the in the Herbarium of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (NNSU) are psesented.

New Data on the Fauna of Myrmecophilous Beetles (Coleoptera) in the Nests of Ants Formica rufa Linnaeus, 1761 (Hymenoptera) for Territory of Saratov Province

The aim of this article is to investigate the species composition, ecological characteristics and myrmecophily Coleoptera dominant structure in nests of ants of the species Formica rufa Linnaeus, 1761 in the territory of the Saratov region. The studies were conducted mainly in the natural Park of Kumis Polyana (Saratov) and the National Park “Khvalynskiy”. To collect material were determined using standard soil methods of Zoology: screening of the substrate from the nests of ants and laboratory analysis of selected samples.

Current State of Investigation of Cell Wall Surface of Microorganisms Ultrastructure under the Action of Factors Biotic and Abiotic Nature Using Methods of Atomic Force Microscopy

This article presents data about current application of atomic force microscopy for study the influence factors biotic and abiotic nature on ultrastructure and morphological features of microorganisms.

Fluctuating asymmetry of pholidosis in grass snakes found on four areas of the Republic of Tatarstan is considered in this article. We carried out the statistical analysis of asymmetrical traits and counted the integral characteristics of fluctuating asym

Fluctuating asymmetry of pholidosis in grass snakes found on four areas of the Republic of Tatarstan is considered in this article. We carried out the statistical analysis of asymmetrical traits and counted the integral characteristics of fluctuating asymmetry. Asymmetry of pholidosis was observed in 32% of individuals. Asymmetry in features which are characterized by highest diversity (temporal, postorbital and sublabial scutes) is more common. There are no statistically significant sex, age or population differences in the values of fluctuating asymmetry.

New to the Republic of Bashkortostan Associations of Class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941

The system of units of riverside vegetation by Braun-Blanquet method of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea of the Bashkortostan Republic includes 4 orders, 7 unions, 29 associations and 1 rankless community today. During studying of riverside vegetation 4 new associations (Scolochloetum festucaceae, Caricetum distichae, Iridetum pseudacori and Leersietum oryzoidis) which weren’t indicated for this region earlier were revealed. The order of Nasturtio-Glycerietalia and the Glycerio-Sparganion union are also for the first time indicated for the republic. The basis for work it is 23 relevés.

Lipid Peroxidation in Cucumber and Radish Seedlings Affected by Heavy Metals

The effect of heavy metal ions (Ni2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Pb2+)  in concentrations of 10 μM, 0.1 μM and 1 mM on the rate of lipid peroxidation (LPO) has been studied in the 7-day-old seedlings of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and radish (Raphanus sativus L.). It was revealed that Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions induced oxidative stress in plant cells, but Pb2+ and Zn2+ ions did not have toxic effects. The heavy metals effect on LPO increasing was as follows: Zn2+ < Pb2+< Ni2+ < Cu2+ for cucumber plants; Pb2+< Zn2+ < Cu2+ < Ni2+ for radish plants.

Importance of the Saratov Region Red Book for the Preservation of Biological Diversity

The article discusses the importance of the Red Book for the preservation of biological diversity of rare and endangered species in the Saratov region. It is noted that at the present time 578 species of plants, fungi and animals are critically endangered.

Methodical Bases Preparation of the Third Edition Red Book of the Saratov Region

Procedure of formation of the list of rare and endangered species of plants, mushrooms and animals of the Saratov region for their entering in the third edition of the regional Red Book are shown. Categories of protection of rare species are offered and methodical recommendations about science-based definition of their nature protection status are stated. The structure of specific outlines and content of their illustrative material are given.

Methodical Principles of the Procedure of Entering and Deleting Biological Species in the Third Edition of the Red Data Book of the Saratov Region

Basic principles underlying the methodology of the procedure of entering and deleting biological species in regional Red Data Books are shown. With Natrix tessellate as an example, an algorithm is demonstrated to exclude a species from the list of rare and endangered animals needing special protection measures. As a result of our longterm field studies of the N. tessellata populations, a positive trend in the abundance change in its population and in the spectrum of biotopical correspondence and geographical distribution within the Saratov region has been established.

Rare and Disappearing Fungus and Lichens Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region

The list of rare and disappearing fungus and lichens species to be included into the third edition of the Red Book of Saratov region has been compiled on the basis of modern field surveys, collection data, analysis of literature. It contains 19 representatives of mycoflora belonging to 11 families and 6 representatives of lichen flora belonging to 3 families. The necessity to extend and modify the list of protected taxa is substantiated compared with the previous edition.

Algae, Mossy, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperm Plant Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region

A list of algae, mossy, pteridophytes and gymnosperm plant species to be included into the third edition of the Red Book of the Saratov region is proposed (1 species of algae, 15 mossy species, 13 pteridophytes, 1 gymnosperms). The necessity to correct and extend the protected taxon list in comparison with the second edition is substantiated. Principles of taxon selection for the third edition are discussed.
