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Flowering Plant Species to Be Included Into the Third Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Region

A list of 277 flowering plant species to be included into the third edition of the Red Book of the Saratov region is proposed. The necessity to correct and extend the protected taxon list in comparison with the second edition is substantiated. Principles of taxon selection for the third edition are discussed.

The Rare and Endangered Species of Water Invertebrates Offered for Inclusion in the Third Edition of the Red Book of the Saratov Region

The list of species of water invertebrates and the amphibiotic insects is analysed by results of the long-term researches in 2006 – 2015. Effects of climate transformation and change of the hydrological treatment on a condition of water ecosystems and population of such species are shown. The key factors causing negative consequences for ecosystems of the rivers, floodplain lakes and temporary waterbodies serving as biotopes of rare and endangered species of hydrobionts are defined.

The Recommended Species of Terrestrial Invertebrates for Including in the New Edition of the Red Book of Saratov Province

In article gave the information of rare and endangered species of terrestrial groups of invertebrates recommended for including in the third edition of the Red book of the Saratov Province (RBSP). Also lists species that should be removed from the list of protected species for several established reasons. The main publications over the past 10 years from the time of release the second edition of RBSP on the population dynamics and distribution of endangered species in the region.

Rare and Disappearing Species Сephalaspidomorphi and Fish to Be Included Into the Third Edition of Red Book of the Saratov Region

Rare and disappearing species Cephalaspidomorphi and fich to be included into the third edition of Red Book of the Saratov region has been compiled on the basis of modern field surveys, collection data, analysis of literature. It contains 2 species cephalaspidomorphi and 16 species fich.

Rare and Disappearing Species of Amphibians and Reptiles to Be Included into the Third Edition of Red Book of the Saratov Region

Rare and disappearing species reptiles to be included into the third edition of Red Book of the Saratov region has been compiled on the basis of modern field surveys, collection data, analysis of literature. It contains 7 herpetofauna representatives of region belonging to 3 orders and 5 families.

Rare and Disappearing Birds in the Red Book of Saratov Region

A list of bird species recommended for inclusion in the third edition of the Red Book of the Saratov region. Three groups stand out among the rare and protected bird species are introduced for the first time – 10; excluded –14; with the change in status – 22.

The Rare and Endangered Species of Mammals Recommended for Entering into the Third Edition of the Red Book of the Saratov Region

The list of species of the mammals recommended for entering into the third edition of the Red List of the Saratov region is provided. The necessity to correct and extend the protected taxon list in comparison with the second edition is substantiated.

Morphologigal Characteristics of Seeds of Some Iris L. Species in Saratov Region

The research presents the results of morphological study of seeds belong to five species of Iris L.: I. aphylla L., I. halophila Pall., I. pseudacorus L. I. pumila L., I. sibirica L. which existed in Saratov region and cultivated in the botanical gardens of national research of Saratov state university, previously named «N. G. Chernyshevsky».

Light Influence on Morphogenesis Wheat

In work results of research morphogenesis wheat are presented at presence or absence of the light factor. Influence of light on growth of all leaf shoot, activity of a cone of increase and growth of germinal root system of a seedling of wheat is established. In the presence of the light factor growth epicotyl begins with the moment of the termination of growth coleoptile. Growth epicotyl occurs synchronously to growth of a sheath of 1st leaf. In the absence of light growth coleoptile and epicotyl proceeds and after end of growth of a plate and a sheath of 1st leaf.

Effect of Exopolysaccharides of the Bacterium Paenibacillus Polymyxa 1465 on Growth and Defense Responses of Wheat

Rhizobacteria of the genus Paenibacillus promote plant growth and induced systemic resistance to diverse environmental stresses. Here we present the results for the effect of exopolysaccharides (EPS) obtained from growth of Paenibacillus polymyxa 1465 with different carbon sources on the early stages in the development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Saratovskaya 29) and on the peroxidase activity in wheat seedling tissue.

Antagonistic Activity of Bacterial Association of Apple Shoots Against Phytopathogenic Fungi

Microbial associations on surfaces and internal environment on shoots of apple sorts Golden Delicious, Wealthy and Berkutovka with symptoms of fungal infections were studied. 195 strains of epiphytic and endophytic bacteria, of which 8 strains had marked antagonistic activity against phytopathogenic fungi Alternaria alternaria, Aspergillus tubiengensis, Fusarium incarnatum equiseti, Fusarium tricinctum and Phoma fungicola were isolated. Antagonistic bacterial strains are identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SA77, B. badius SA68, B. gibsonii SA104, B. methyloprophicus SA94, B.

The Female Gametophyte Structure Features of Two Nicotiana Tabacum L. Mutant Lines

The embryo sacs structure in the two mutant lines of Nicotiana tabacum L. was investigated. The various disturbances in the megagametopyte structure were detected. In the М-3 line the gametophyte mutation suppresses the nucleus mitotic activity and cell walls initiation in embryo sacs. These disturbances lead to the formation of low-nuclear coenocytic or cellular gametophytes. In М-2 line the cellular gametophytes with increased number of cells and nucleus was dominated. The reason of this phenomenon is an increase of mitosis number during a gametophytogenesis.

Acoustic Communication Signals between Ants of the Genus Formica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Myrmecophilous Beetles of the Genus Scydmaenus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

In the article was given the mathematical approaches to classification and clustering of data of acoustic signals in communication between myrmecophilic beetles (Scydmaenus hellwigii) and ants (Formica rufa). For the first time for these species were used a cluster analysis which revealed four clusters, each of them has its own command from the beetle to the ant. Each command was defined by specific ranges of dominant frequencies and a range of medium amplitudes (the values of the parameters R).

Fragmentation of Quercetin and Naringenin and Photoinduced Processes under Laser Desorption/Ionization Conditions

We found that under laser desorption and ionization conditions, quercetin, belonging to the flavonol family, undergoes a decay, which occurs through a photoinduced reaction followed by dimerization of the forming biradical and by the subsequent fragmentation of the dimer. Naringenin, belonging to the flavonone family, also undergoes similar fragmentation, but owing to the lack of conjugation in the C ring, the forming biradical particle is not capable of further dimerization in the same way as observed for quercetin because of its low stability.

The Analysis of Phytophagous Mammals Trophic Activity in Different Biocenoses

The aim of the item is to collect and analyse the literature material of many researchers on trophic activity of phytophagous mammals. The characteristic of phytophagous animals’ feeding base has been given. The main emphasis in the collected material was put on ungulates, in particular on the elk as the largest dendrophage (wood-eating animal) of forest biocenoses in Russia. As a result of analysing the collected material the animals’ influence on plants has been shown, the alienation reaction of tree and bush species which are the main feeding base of phytophages has been indicated.

Breaking Physical Dormancy of the Laburnum anagyroides Seeds by in vivo and in vitro Conditions

Laburnum anagyroides Medik. is a popular ornamental tree native to the Mediterranean region. Its seeds are characterized of a physical dormancy, complicating seed reproduction. The present study was conducted to identify the seed dormancy breaking treatments to improve seed germination. The various stratification techniques (cold and warm treatments, alternate temperature regime) were tested. Simultaneously, the seeds were germinated in soil and on different nutrient media in vitro.

Prevalence of Nosocomial Strains Enterobacteriaceae Have Carbapenemases in Russia

In this article we have looked into the matter of antibiotic resistance among the group of nosocomial strains Enterobacteriaceae which has been determined by the production of carbapenemases. In 2014 there were revealed four types of enzymes and six types of enterobacterias. The main causative agent of nosocomial infections and the major host of the acquired carbapenemases gene is Klebsiella pneumonia. There were cases of carbapenemases’ production about extramural flora of hospitalized patients.

Photosynthetic Activity of the Dodder Cuscuta campestris (Convolvulaceae) in Case of Plant Inhabitation by the Gallformed Weevil Smicronyx smreczynskii (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)

In the article parameters of photosynthetic apparatus and dependence of the efficiency and rate of photosynthesis on irradiance in flowering plant – parasitic dodder Cuscuta campestris colonized by gallinducing insect from the family of weevils Smicronyx smreczynskii were determined for the first time. Gall formation by Smicronyx smreczynskii is supposed to lead to the increase in the photosynthesis efficiency by the increase in the number of reaction centers of photosystem II of the dodder Cuscuta campestris

Biological Characteristics of Productivity of Various Breeding and Genetic Forms Winter Rye

The paper presents the results of a study of the biological characteristics of productivity of various breeding and genetic forms of winter rye, presented by grades and district of the Saratov breeding. Significant varietal differences in development of individual morphological parameters of the shoot. The number of leaves of the main shoot per plant in winter rye agropopulations different varieties ranges from 6 to 9 units, stem length from 1249 to 1660 mm, length of ear, from 75 to 139 mm, number of spikelets of spike – from of 27.7 to 40.2; the number of grains ear – to 64.8 36.0 units.

The Frequency of Apomixis in Populations of Chondrilla Species in the South of Europen Part of Russia

The monitoring of the frequency of apomixis was making in popu- lations of 7 species of Chondrilla in the south of european part of Russia. It is shown that the plants of 6 examined species (C. juncea, C. graminea, C. canescens, C. brevirostris, C. latifolia и C. acantho- lepis) are characterized by their ability to seed reproduction by apo- mixis. This fact is confirmed by results of a study of seed productivity of the species of the genus Chondrilla at the regime of blossoming without pollen and cytoembryological analysis megagametophytes of the same plants.
